8th Anniversary Post

At 20:22 on the 7th of June 2013, I clicked on the “publish” button for the very first time, posting my very first review, the uninspiring and now all-but-forgotten I GIVE IT A YEAR.

8th Anniversary Post

Thankfully, the film’s title wasn’t a prognosis of the blog’s future and here we are:

eight years

1,674 posts


and over

one million words


still going strong. Well, still going at least.

It’s been a funny old year since the last anniversary, and sometimes the blogging comes easy and other times it’s been a real grind. It’s taken time to adapt to not having cinemas and now it’s taking a similar amount of time to get used to having a blogging schedule that’s not entirely in my control anymore and, instead, driven by release schedules. At least those release schedules are settling down a bit though and I won’t need to rework any of the Bond-related content I’ve spent so long cueing up and rescheduling over and over again.

So, to those of you who’ve been with me these past couple of crazy years and especially if you’ve been along for the ride since the very beginning, let’s take a look at the old magic 8 ball and see what the future holds…

Upcoming special seasons like:




plus all the movie and TV coverage I can bring you, including new (hopefully) and classic DOCTOR WHO. So if you’ve enjoyed any of the past eight years of output and you’re hoping for more, I’d say…


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Realweegiemidget Reviews

Congratulations Craggus! And thanks for the tip re I give it a Year. It’s on telly a lot here and I always plan to watch it but don’t get round to it.. perhaps it’s fate?

3 years ago

Congrats on your Blogiversary! 🙂