…and we’re back!

Nine years ago today, What The Craggus Saw made its debut with a modestly adequate review of the modestly adequate romcom I Give It A Year.

And now, here we are, three thousand, two hundred and eighty-seven days, one thousand six hundred and seventy-five posts* and over a million words later coming back from a 100+ day hiatus to once again pick up where I left off – with a crazy backlog of content that I need to get through and a website which, if anything, is now more complex and high maintenance than before.
But when I decided to power down my keyboard, I was feeling tired, uninspired and pressured (by no one other than myself) by what was meant to be a hobby. So I spent time not doing *anything* blog related, then I spent some time just watching stuff for the pure enjoyment of watching it, without a thought for critical evaluation (that was fun!) and then I spent weeks ripping up the floorboards of the blog and fixing stuff and learning some new techniques (I now know a bit of CSS and even edited one or two PHP files!). I’ve refreshed the whole site, got rid of some old content and rediscovered my enthusiasm and inspiration for writing.

It’ll take me a while, I think, to get back into the swing of regular writing and I’m determined not to fall into the pressure trap I got myself into last time, but I’ve got plans for the rest of this year but I’m hoping you’ll have missed reading my stuff even half as much as I’ve missed writing for you.

As always with these anniversary posts, thanks for stopping by whether this is the first time, fiftieth time or one thousand, six hundred and seventy-fifth time. I really, really appreciate it.
See you at the cinema!

Wellcome back. Looking forward to reading your comments, views etc on all you watch.
Welcome back, man. We’ve missed you.