Time For Elevenses!
Looking back at last year’s anniversary post, the outlook was pretty bleak:
“So, there’s no bombastic ending to this post, no list of coming attractions, features or plans for review seasons, no pledges which I’ll end up using to beat myself up with. Just a simple decision that I’m not quite done with blogging, at least not yet. What that means, I guess we’ll see when we reach the 11th anniversary this time next year – hopefully!”
What a difference a year makes. If you’re a regular reader – or even a subscriber! – you’ll have noticed the blog’s undergone something of a renaissance recently and the posts have started coming thick and fast. Not just recent releases either, but I’m finally starting to make a dent in the (self-imposed) backlog that built up while I was in the writing doldrums.
I’m not sure exactly what’s changed to get me back behind the keyboard on a regular basis but I can say that I’m enjoying it as much now as I ever have, and maybe even more. I feel like I’ve got my mojo back! Yeah, baby!

In fact, things are so groovy at the moment, I think I’m feeling up to committing to a few “comign attractuions”. This year will absolutely, definitely, certainly see the long-overdue return of #SharkWeak with Shark Weak 5 swimming in to spice up your summer!
I’ll be ready to join in with this year’s Marcko’s Month Of Spooks in October and looking to get back into the habit of joining in RealWeegieMidget‘s blogathons. And, while I’m not confident enough to commit to a timescale, I might even try to get caught up with Star Trek this year.
So whether you come direct to thecraggus.com or you’ve found your way here via WordPress, Instagram, BlueSky, Mastodon or Tumblr, thank you. From the very bottom of my heart, thank you. I write these reviews for me, of course, I write because I love doing it but knowing that even a few other people read – and maybe even occasionally enjoy – my writing is the icing on the cake.
So, let’s see what the year ahead brings and hopefully we’ll be back here in 365 days’ time to celebrate What The Craggus Saw’s Dirty Dozen. Until then, I’ll see you at the movies! 🎬🍿

Happy Blogivesary!