Craggus’ Christmas Countdown Day 10: Home Alone (1990)

Craggus’ Christmas Countdown Day 10: Home Alone (1990)

Like the previous year’s “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”, “Home Alone” was written by the prolific John Hughes and although they’re set in different parts of Illinois, it’s a nice thought that the Griswolds and the McAllisters actually only live a few doors down from each other. When a power cut causes the family to oversleep ..

After experiencing Surviving Christmas (2004), the survivors will envy the dead.

After experiencing Surviving Christmas (2004), the survivors will envy the dead.

Ben Affleck has performed a remarkable career turnaround in the past few years, re-establishing his credibility as both an actor and director with such recent fare as “Gone Girl” and the Oscar-winning “Argo”. It’s hard to believe that he was once one of the most reviled and derided actors in Hollywood. Well, in holiday miracle ..

Craggus’ Christmas Countdown Day 5: The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Craggus’ Christmas Countdown Day 5: The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

It was a bit of a coin toss as to whether I included this in the countdown. Is it a Christmas film about Halloween or a Halloween film about Christmas? Tricky one, but I decided it qualifies as a Christmas film as it’s ultimately about Jack Skellington discovering ‘the true meaning of Christmas’. Way back ..

Monster House (2006) #MonthOfSpooks Review

Monster House (2006) #MonthOfSpooks Review

A family-friendly horror movie seems like an oxymoron, but it’s exactly what 2006’s “Monster House” is. It has all the hallmarks and ingredients you’d expect from a really good haunted house movie, it’s structured exactly the way a ‘real’ horror movie would be, except you can watch it with your kids. When DJ, his best ..